Friday, 13 February 2015

Challenge Gav

Challenge: Play a Robot themed DJ set (AKA: Robot Revolution you Daft Punk!)

I am not entirely sure how it happened. I did not plan on doing what I was going to do. It just happened. A simple question leading a mad, chaotic charge around Wellington, culminating in a grand finale of hastily made plans in a city that I do not know. 

I have been set a challenge of playing a robot themed DJ set somewhere. Completing the task will result in a $100 donation to the Charities. As first challenges go, this dives straight in to the deep end.

Walking around Wellington, I come across this cool little community space on Manners Street called 'Homies Cosy Tea House' which is run by volunteers and donations. Turn up, make yourself a coffee or cup of tea. Chuck some coins in the jar and relax. What I did not realise on my first visit was that there would be many more visits in my short time in Wellington.After melting my brain in the internet cafe, I was curious about the closing time of Homies so on the way back to the hostel I nipped in to find out. I left with my question answered and with 4 days to organise a benefit gig. In less than 24hours in a city I do not know, I have a venue but no bands, crowd, advertising or much in the way of a sound system. Also not knowing the geography of the city! There is nothing like a challenge. 

4 days to put on a gig from scratch in an unfamiliar city! Shit...

Music wise, I figured buskers. Buskers are everywhere and self sufficient entertainment generators and you get to try before you parts of my initatal days in Wellington were spent tralling the streets for willing buskers to play a benefit gig put on by a stranger new to the town...

Advertising... this was going to be a challenge in itself. Normally, my first port of call would be my computer but no computer and public computers do not have the software for making flyers. So I had to go old skool, pen and paper! Also the hostel had Microsoft Paint! Choice of flyers! There was also a chalk board at Homes!

Pen and paper...classic.
Microsoft Paint...far from ideal. Or fun. 
Working as a teacher paid off. I owned that chalk board like a pro!

Once the flyer design had been chosen I had to source a printer and start pestering buskers. I met a lot of buskers and got to know the center of Wellington pretty well.

Gavatron himself got himself made and made an appearance to flyer (photo to come).

First $5 raised for the night!

Performers Ian and Jenna waiting their turn to play

Jenna playing one of her original songs.

Ian rocking it.
Jenna and Lee Van de Coolwijk
Lee Van de Coolwijk

A big thank you to Lee Van de Coolwijk, Jenna and Ian coming down to play and thank you to everyone at Homies Cosy Tea House for all their help

Giving the time frame and complete lack of knowledge to the city and being a near on one man operation the night was a mixed success. Did get performers in, who were proper amazing both in taking the chance to come down and play and in terms of performers. There were some people who come in to see but unfortunately, due to technical issues, I could not complete the challenge of performing the Robot Themed DJ set. Lessons have been learnt and a new plan is in formation. This challenge is not dead yet. Watch out Dunedin! 


  1. What an amazing feat, sorry to hear the 1st stuff not go to plan. I hope the person who challenged you will pay up anyway :)

  2. Would be nice but the challenge was not completed.
