I know this is way over due as I have been on the South Island for nearly two weeks now. Sorry about that and it will happen again. Access to the internet here is patchy and my ineptness with technology does not help either.
I not too sure at the moment who this post is aimed at...is it for your enjoyment or is just for me to use this digital space as a cathartic venting of everything so far...I maybe making a mountain of a molehill or the stress may be justified, it is hard to tell. Spending such long periods by yourself, it is hard to put things into context. The things I have worked out so far are a given: I should have built up a following and donations before I started as well as sorting out the infrastructure for a find raising campaign weeks before I set off. It would have made things a lot easier for myself. Lesson learned. Having a team behind me would also help as there is too much to do by myself from a bicycle, leading a semi nomadic lifestyle. Lesson learned.
Fund raising... I am not a natural, I'm actually a terrible fund raiser. Looking at it from a business point of view,the time and money I have I vested in to this adventure does not justify the donations I have generated (I'm absolutely grateful to those who have donated, thank you so much), it would have been more beneficial to the charities if I just made a donation out of my own money.
A strange thing I have learnt about fundraising, it makes you feel exposed. You put so much of yourself into the process that it is easy to become dejected when ideas do not work out. Basically, I am having a half way period of self doubt. Is all this actually worth it? Am I just aboring uninteresting person (spending so much time by yourself affects your confidence at points) or have I bitten off more than I can chew? I feel like I'm choking at the moment. Touring around and trying to organize an over ambitious fundraising campaign by yourself is hard, very hard.
Hmm...this is a shit, depressing halfway point report.Sorry. I did see some seal pups frolicking around on the beach the other day. It was quality. There is be a more up beat blog dump (with photos!) coming soon! Honest.
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