Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Haha Alex knob

Day 21. Glacier

Out and about in Franz Josef
Daily total: 36.55Running Total: 1381.23km

Score. Brief dry period in the morning and early afternoon. Not to be confused with clear sunny day! I had to settle with doing the Roberts Track instead of pottering around on Alex Knob coming up with as many knob based puns that could be used to annoy by brother Alex. It is a 9km round trip you know. Seems pretty big...yeah I'll stop there. Due to the clouds, Alex Knob would not provide views of the glacier, so no photos of me on the tip of the Knob. And no, I won't tire of nob jokes. 

Anyways, Roberts Track takes you through lush green forests that are completely sodden and dripping in moss. Its a rainforest and it was amazing. I think I was in awe of the walk more than the glacier but in saying that, I've now seen a glacier! Going up hill is physically tiring but going downhill is much more taxing mentally as the scope for injury so much greater on the way down.

There is much more glacier at other times of the year.

Later in the day, the rain came back with a vengeance. So in a rain drenched hissy fit, I sacked off the glow worm cave and went to the bar. Partly to escape the rain, partly hunger, partly instinct and partly to make the 10km cycle back to the camp site a lot less painful. Hmm...chips and booze.

At this point of the night I was a bit drunk and a bit bored. Bottle, not pictured.

So much rain. Just pushing the tent to its limits, one corner sitting in a good inch of water. The problem with the booze plan was the need for wee bit that happens later. Especially when holed up in the dry of the tent and the toilet being sooo far away in the rain. There was a spare plastic bottle, you do the math behind my shameful moment. Going to have to cave in and stay at a hostel tomorrow, need a rest bite from the rain.

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