Saturday, 21 March 2015

Last tent day.

Day 38. So close...

Tuatapere to Invercargill
Daily total: 94.60kRunning Total: 2140.20km

Today is the last tent day for Bluffing It. Decided to spend the next few days indoors as the weather is getting colder and colder and it is becoming harder and harder to dry off the tent. There is nothing more depressing at this stage than the idea of setting up a wet tent and then climbing into the moist centre.

In tents...

After two days of shite weather, I get a break! Sunshine and no Southerlies! So I had a choice, go the flatter, shorter and duller way or go the longer, undulating more interesting way. Yep, I went for the latter. Continuing along the Coastal Highway was a good plan. Cycling was fun again! Although the way from Thronbury to the Invercargill turn off was dull. Long straights through flat farm land, with the occasional smell of cow's arse. 

I thought the battles with the winds was over. After the Southerlies after the past few days, I thought I was home free until later in the day when I was flanked by some Easterlies! Nature reminding me whose boss. These last few days of constant wind have drained me physically. Numerous stop points towards the end of the day, every peddle feeling like a massive effort. Keep going, keep going.

Those mountains in the distance should have been my view the other day.

Invercargill gets a bad rap from many. The road into town is ugly but the park is cool and there are a number of old brick buildings larking about the town. It could be a town of contrasts, an idea that needs to explore to form an opinion. 

Have noticed a few changes in myself in these closing days. Any care I had for my appearance has gone to shit. My choice of clothing is making me look borderline mental. Just a strange mix of clothes thrown together. A mixture of handouts and a t-shirt that shows signs of cleanliness neglect. Is it becoming solidified in places. To build upon my newly crafted mental appearence have found myself being more vocal to myself than usual in public spaces. Espeacially super markets. Me woundering around the aisles repeating the names of random food stuffs that catch my eye.  I may have finally broken.

No idea to why I'm single...

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