Thursday 15 January 2015

Civilization and hostels...

Day 25. Old school

Pipiriki to Wanganui
Daily total: 84.02km Running total: 1498.30km

I am sitting in an old school dining room as I write this, making this the second former school turned hostel that I have stayed in, in the past week. Has it been a week? Time has been operating haphazardly. Operating on various deadlines as I try to reach A to B. The concept of days merging into a group to form weeks which then group together as a collective entity has been completely alien to me. It seems strange dealing with days again. The further from civilization you go, the less you seem bound by the larger dominations of time. Also technology. My phone has been a glorified alarm clock for the past few days. 

Anyways, I continued down the Mountain to the Sea Trail (N.B. I did not start at the mountains, nor did I finish at the sea. I just did the 'to the' part of the Trail). The route followed the Whanganui River in places and 2 gems of massive hills. One at the start and one near the end. A really steep one. Made it up both without stopping. At the beginning of this journey I would have bailed near the beginning but now my fitness is becoming more noticeable. That or Mt. Doom gave me magic powers!

The view from hill one.

The view from the second hill

Still the second hill view. But zoomed in.

Homestead at Kawana Mill

I reach Wanganui. No camping for me for the next few days. Mainly down to cost issues. Its cheaper to get a room in a hostel than it was to pitch a tent at one of the sites. Staying in a dorm and inside seems such a strange concept from spending weeks in the tent. Here I will be based catching up and checking in with the real world.

So much food. 

The hostel (42B) has a full on kitchen and I have been eating my weight in food. So much cooking, I have used about 250g of butter in less than 24 hours! So unhealthy but so good. The body needs it!  I also gassed out the kitchen whilst making curry. So many people coughing. 

Whilst on my travels around Wanganui, I spot a couple in the distance on bikes laden with camping gear and paniers. I catch up with them looking a wee bit lost. It turns out to be the Pompey couple, Alex and Andy who I keep bumping into. They also have a blog of their travels. You can catch them on Look Mum No Car. Their site is much nicer than mine. I'm jealous. 

Here are some photos of being out and about in Wanganui.

The end of the Mountain to Sea Trail.

More of the end.

Me looking short in front of more big things.

Feel free to comment away. It can be about anything, from suggestions to places to visit, questions about how to donate to feedback about my writing skills or even if you want want to get involved. Let me know.  Due to the spiteful nature of technology, leaving comments is not a straight forward process as you think it would post a comment, you need to sign in using a google account or just select the anonymous option on the drop down box. Comment away and spread the word!

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