Saturday 21 March 2015

The end...

Day 39. The scale of what I have achieved has not sunk in yet...

Invercargill to Bluff to Invercargill
Daily total: 71.54kRunning Total: 2211.74km Overall Total: 4444.06km

It ends today! The sun is shining (not to be confused with hot) and Bluff is only 30km away. Need to go to the library first to try to get some victory music on the go for the final leg. Unfortunately, I do not have 'You're the best' by Foreigner. Maybe that's a good thing. Instead, I am hoping to fill the mp3 player with McLusky. Just wall to wall McLusky. Fingers crossed.

Library a success, new music, new sense of energy and determination. Bluff bound!

The road is not challenging, nor is the wind today. I hit Bluff in good time after a brief pit stop to try some oysters that the town is famous for. They are good! I also get distracted a big hill with a look out point across the area and then I make it down to Stirling Point, the final destination. The start and finish of so many journies. I am underwhelmed. It has been so long leading up to this, with so many hurdles and high points and I am here. Staring at this sign marking the end point of my journey. I halfheartedly get people to take a photo of me by the sign. I mention my achievement, people seem indifferent. It is the same feeling as i had when I handed in my final assignment at uni.No streamers, no bells, no whistle, just a gentle thud of the essay hitting the shelf, an empty feeling and the long ignored question 'What now?' As a parting fuck you from technology, my network service cuts out so I cannot text, call or internet anyone. No one to tell of my achievement.  Full deflation at this point. Just pub and that long awaited beer(s).

In the distance, Slope Point, the most Southern Part of the South know what this is leading to...

The cycle back to Invercargill, the sense of achievement kicks in, as does the phone service and a flurry of texts appear. I bomb it back in no time, covering the 30km in less than an hour.  I made it! The scale of what I have done has not sunk in yet. This is the end of Bluffing It! 



  1. Gavin, we at Pcf are so proud of you for your fund raising efforts for the children of the Dump Site in Tondo, Philippines. To see someone make this epic journey on his own is outstanding. We and the children thank you, we hope that this makes you feel that your journey had a purpose, the money you raise certainly well make a difference. Jane, Claire, Ange, Hannah and Sheila

  2. Congratulations on finishing the trip down NZ! I only got to meet you after you made it to the end but I'm glad I did. You're a hero to three charities now.
